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Kathrin Ganz – Otherwise Network

Kathrin Ganz


Email: kathrin@ownw.de
Twitter: @ihdl
ORCID: 3-3968-3470
Website: iheartdigitallife.de


  • Intangible Goods
  • Net Culture and Activism
  • Online Discourse
  • Participation and Openness
  • Social Change
  • Technologieregulierung

Kathrin Ganz explores socio-political issues relating to the Internet and digital technologies with a focus on political subjectivities. At the moment, her work focuses on the open access transformation in academic publishing, the political discourse on online hate speech regulation, as well as intersectional methodologies of social inquiry. 

She received her doctorate from the TU Hamburg in 2017. In her work, she examined intersecting social power relations in Germany’s digital civil rights activism. “Die Netzbewegung” was published in 2018 and was shortlisted for the Opus Primum Prize of the Volkswagen Foundation. 

Currently, she is conducting the research project Open Gender Platform at Freie Universität Berlin and is editor of the Open Gender Journal

Kathrin has been running the blog i heart digital life since 2005, hosted the podcats “Nrrrdz” and “Der Computer kann alles” and participated in the Hatr.org platform.